Aerobic System Elite Service

Septic Tank Drain Field Installations

When you service your Aerobic system, many providers will just pump out the trash or solids tank and call it good! Here at Caliber Septic Services we offer our Elite service which covers your Aerobic System from top to bottom. The trash tank (usually around 450 gallons) gets pumped out, along with the aeration chamber and the pump tank (usually around 800 gallons each). The aeration and pump tanks have significant amounts of solids that carry over into them over time and can negatively affect the performance, odor and longevity of your system.

Along with the entire system being cleaned out, we also inspect, test and adjust your timer, alarms, floats, chlorination system, aerator and sprinklers as well. When we are done, the system has been checked from top to bottom and completely cleaned out. We recommend this Elite service be done every 2 years. We will also only pump out the trash tank if you so desire, but we don't recommend ignoring the other tanks in the system.

If you need to have your Aerobic septic system pumped out please call (580) 548-7498 or fill out our online contact form and we will get back to you promptly to schedule a time to inspect and repair your septic system.